28 Nov 2013

A frustrated melancholy floating on the wind

“The air blows soft as the swirl of a painter’s brush outside and the dry leaves sink in a slow nocturne. There is a frustrated melancholy floating on the wind in stagnant spirals and it feels like the nights in This Side of Paradise. Effulgent voluptuous rain smothers the tree tops and the darkness shoves along the street in scandalized puffs.” 

— Zelda Fitzgerald to F. Scott Fitzgerald, on a November day from 1931. 

I can feel the frustrated melancholy that Zelda Fitzgerald talked about during this time of the year. We’ve left the sunny mellow afternoons behind and we're having plenty of gray rainy days. The air blows with an aching sadness at dawn. It feels like winter is already here. You can feel the cold on your bones. During days like these I just feel like sitting in the bathtub — as Sylvia Plath said: "There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure." —, or in front of the window looking at the sunset like Charlotte did on Lost In Translation.  Also, when it comes to my professional future I start to feel like the Scarlett Johansson's character. I think this is not the first time I talk you about how much I love that film, basically 'cause I felt totally represented on Charlotte. Her personal situation reminds me of some things I went through. The same happens with the 5th season of Mad Men. I've been watching it lately and there is a darkness on the tempestuous relationship of the main characters that I also have felt on the past. Something that Terrence Malick's To the wonder shows too, that's why I have included some pics from it on this post.

 And of course, there are some photographs from Paris in here too 'cause rainy days remind me of Paris. I daydream about having a walk through the Quartier Latin and Saint-Germain-des-Près. Plus November is the anniversary of Albert Camus' birth and I’ve been reading his essay ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’, which I’ve always had wanted to read but never had find the right time to do it before. 

Hope your Autumn is going well! 

Ph.: Nicholas McLean, rebeccaplotnicktwobirdsonabranch, Marine Vacthpossumsednolo, The Dreamers (2003), cuerposiameses, David Lynch by Alasdair McLellantheotherway, Luiza Potienssoftskinfanzine, To the Wonder (2012), Ana Krašanothereternalsummer, Mad MenLéa Seydouxavec-des-sentiments, Lost in Translation (2003), styleallureattitude


AVY said...

I daydream about Paris too, and I fear I will have to go there soon.



holabolababes@gmail.com said...

Oh Mara, how did you do this again. Im so touched. This is so beautiful. Thank you. And have a nice weekend.
Love, Emilie

Mónica Villar said...

Love all these pics
twitter & instagram : @fashionrlounge
Fashion room lounge

A chic kiss ;)

Fressscura said...

Me ha cautivado la chica fumando en la ventana con los piés fuera. Qué frío.

Hélène Heath said...

That series of pics illustrate perfectly that melancholy. Stunning and inspiring.

ATF said...

quina delícia de post, qan et dic que m'encanten les teves compilacions de fotos, es perquè sempre li poses a tot un toque molt personal, el teu mood en elles, i te queda perfecte. Ara aquesta setmana no ha fet tant de fred i ha sortit el sol i tot, però fa dues setmanes que el temps estava com deies, gris i amb pluja totos es dies i era algo depriment. ja saps que ador l'estiu i amb aquest temps me deprimo quasi i tot així que m'he sentit identificada amb aquest post. i amb la charlotte, ai, com no estar perduda com ella quan ningú sap el que podrà fer o el que vol fer en el futur, està negre sa cosa...

anyway, parlant de coses més alegres, de gravity no te preocupis perquè l'escena que he posat no es cap gran spoiler, i has de veure blue jasmine, crec que t'agradarà moltíssim, per la história i perque la blanchett està que se surt, jo crec que millor que mai. a mí del woody de les series ador Interiors, crec que es la meva preferida, aunque Another Woman es molt bona també. Sobre Mad Men, la tenc estancada al 2x05, m'avorreix ja, no sé si seguir-la perquè no passa gaire cosa tampoc. millora o segueix amb el mateix ritme?

bé mara, long comment però esque n'havia de comentar coses, esper que aquesta melancolía s'hagui anat amb l'ola de fred que ja no tenim, i sino, un petonet fort and cheer up! :)