7 Jul 2014


    I'm gonna be away from home for a while because of personal / family issues, work, etc. With all the recent events my life has turned around 180 degrees. So this is kind of a farewell. I might be posting again in the future, telling you about my experience or new projects on my life, who knows. Anyway, thanks to everybody who has been visiting, reading, commenting, and to everybody I've met through this blog for being an inspiration for me to some degree. Hope everything goes amazingly well for you all. Now I'm just gonna pretend Marcello did not turn around in this beautifully moving scene ― one of my favorite finales in cinema history, and one of the best ― and went back to his friends, but actually walked towards the girl, as that imaginary scene in my mind is kind of what I'm doing now. 

I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find you're not, 
I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

― F. Scott Fitzgerald




Katy said...

Hi, Mara! I hope your break from blogging goes well and that things work out for you. Looking forward to seeing you return some day! :)

Alex Withrow said...

Ahh, this is sad news, but I do understand. I hope everything is okay, and that we're able to stay in touch, through blogging or social media or however. You've said such kind things about my writing and my films. Words I'll cherish forever. Take care, Mara. If you do decide to come back to blogging, I'll surely be here.

Marco Méndez said...

Muy agradecido de los cuatro años de bloggeo que le llevo leyendo. Una buena época de recíproco enriquecimiento de contenidos e influencias artísticas.

Hasta luego Mara. Éxitos.

ATF said...


He estat super liada aquesta mesos i amb la cosa de tenir pendent dirte algo oerquè ja feia temps que no posaves al twitter(a facebook) ja ni entro quasi, i creia que debies estar d'exàmens o algo però pareix que es algo més serio i me sap greu. Per aquí la veritat que he conegut molta gent amb ka que conoarteixo coses però poques amb les que crec aue he conectat de cera manera i espero que t'arribi una abraçada meva ben forta i que la cosa hagui millorat. Igualment, esperaré pacientment tornar a saber de tú i que ja tot hagui oassat un poc però de totes maneres si necessites res, xerrarne, no xerrarne, el que sigui, jo estic aquí.

Aquesta escena no podría ser més perfecte i l'has feta molt personal, espero que poc a poc tornis a estar millor i així poder descobrir més coses amb el teu blog a la vegada que coneixerte un poc més.

Un petonet ben gros i ja saps ón soc my dear friend :)

AVY said...

Marcello is a miracle. Have you seen La Grande Bellezza? If not, you should.



Sofi Mar said...

Es una pena no tenerte por aquí. Espero que nos cuentes pronto en lo que anduviste. Muchos saludos y buenas vibras. Abrazos :)

AVY said...

Come back soon?

/ Avy

Clara said...

:'( Mucha suerte en esta nueva etapa.