6 Feb 2014

Wiissa photography

Vanessa Hollander and Wilson Philippe are Wiissa, a photography duo based in New York City and Miami. Their work consists in capturing the spirit of youthful beauty in films and pictures. Since I discovered this brand, I couldn't stop watching their photographs and to get into a world of sun, colours, girlhood and an almost innocent eroticism. It's about inspiration and that's what I get when I visit Wissa galleries and see these compositions of relaxed symmetry. They've been featured in websites like Oyster mag, Urban Outfitters or 500 Photographers. Here are some of my favorite videos and pictures. I personally love their set Hula hideout. We invite you to take a break from the cold and endless winter... Just relax and dream about Miami Beach, Ipanema and NYC :))))




ATF said...

ador el summer feeling d'aquests fotos, havía vist alguna com la de les jaquets de phornix i em van encantar. sa veritat que ador quan posau aquests post de fotografs perquè sempre em feis coneixer artistes que m'acaben encantant.
un petó a les dues!

holabolababes@gmail.com said...

Hey Girls,

Mara knows I really love this ;) ;)

xx Emilie

Saraiba said...

Que maravilla! Esto me recuerda a mi verano con 15 años ^_^ el bikini de piñas es increíble!!