“Yes, my consuming desire is to mingle with road crews, to be a part of a scene, anonymous, listening, recording. Yes, I want to talk to everybody as deeply as I can. I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night.”
— Sylvia Plath.
I'm travelling at the end of this week, and these are the images that come to my mind when I have to pack for my summer holidays. Beautiful places I'd like to visit, and images that remind me of the small village where my father's family live, a quiet and bucolic place in the middle of nature where I'm gonna spend the next days.
The photos belong to different people and tumblrs, as indicated below, but several of them are from Randy P. Martin, an amazing photographer I've just discovered. His work is mesmerazing, checkout his flickr here:
Ph.: the end of my existence, blueberry pie, nomoredramas, randy p. martin (1, 7, 11, 15, 21), 4thethrillofit, rainbowdiary, michelle fleming, oliver tsuji, nesanir-photography, roostblog, lucy laucht, julencin2000, hawaiian coconut
Hi Mara and Esther,
Absolutely stunning again.
I can really feel why you picked each photo. Really constant.
My fav is the girl in the hangmob...
Love Emilie xx
this is absolutely gorgeous. so in love with it! x
Natalie Off Duty
Es agradable volver a encontrar las evocadoras entradas del blog de Mara.
Són unes fotos molt boniques. Com tu dius, recorden a l'estiu, vacances, el no fer res, m'encanta. Jo he estat a eivissa uns dies de relax, platgeta i poc més. espero que passis unes bones vacances!
un petonet xx
quina delícia de fotos, dream trip ha de ser aquest que estàs fent, paréix un lloc ple de calma on lleguir libres tot lo día i pasetjar sona ideal. jo no marxo enlloc aquest estiu encara que estic de vancançes però ja en faig de coses per aprofitar-ho.
esper que ho disfrutis dear.
You are so right, these photos are mesmerezing...Your posts never cease to amaze us :)
Wanna float with us? http://www.floatstardust.blogspot.com
The Floating Team!
Maravilloso, no hay nada como perderse para encontrarse a una misma ;)
Un beso bonita, hacía tiempo que no me pasaba y que gusto da saber que todo sigue igual de delicioso como antes.
Menudas fotos más bonitas las del fotógrafo. Describen a la perfección lo que siento antes de viajar.
Lo que más me gustan son los preparativos previos: las listas interminables, los lugares que tengo en mente para visitar, sitios donde comer...
Pásatelo genial por esas tierras, bonita :)
Un beso muy fuerte.
Qué sensación reminiscente de la libertad estival. Del verano que se acabó.
Muy fan de lo vuestro.
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