Joanna: Tell me something that counts.
Alex: It’s been too long since I’ve seen you.
Joanna: I meant something personal.
Alex: That is something very personal.
Truman: But she is married.
Alex: I know.
Truman: No, you don't, you've never been married.
Fuck the vows, it's the years you can't undo.
Alex: Were you thinking about me?
Joanna: I always think about you when things aren't going well.
Joanna: You really touch me whenever you feel like it, don't you?
Alex: No, I don't. I touch you a fraction of how often I feel like it.
Joanna: Why did you stop e-mailing me?
Alex: Because it wasn't enough.
In the middle of most nights, when I can't sleep I still replay you.
Being honest with you, this is not really about the whole film but about the relationship between two characters: Joanna (Keira Knightley) and Alex (Guillaume Canet). The film tells the story of a married young couple in New York, Joanna and Michael (Sam Worthington), who are not at their best moment because Joanna sees that Michael has a little interest in his work colleague, Laura (Eva Mendes). While Michael is away with Laura on a business trip, Joanna runs into an old but never quite forgotten love, Alex. And that relation is the thing that made me fell in love with this film. Not with the entire film, 'cause actually the other relationship is completely boring, but with the beautiful and emotional relation between Joanna and Alex, which makes the film worth viewing. Keira Knightley is the perfect Joanna, with her lovely accent, and her fragile and elegant looks. And she has an amazing chemistry with the great Guillaume Canet. The way they look at each other, their gestures when they are together, makes their relation look so realistic that you can feel they've known each other for quite a long time and besides now she's married to another man and he's living in Paris with another woman, you know that deep in their hearts they're connected to each other, and they're still in love. I find their story is really well-written and it has memorable moments that I find really inspirational.
Besides that, the film is beautifully shot in all blue and grey colors, the settings are awesome (love the minimalist apartment and New York is one of my favorite cities) and you can really feel the mood of the story thanks to its great soundtrack by Clint Mansell, you can listen to it here, featuring some of my favorite artists: Bat for Lashes, Calexico, Iron &Wine, Explosions in the Sky, M83, Moby, and South.
Ainsh me acuerdo que me la recomendaste, y la tengo bien apuntada para que no se me olvide. Me encanta las fotografías de la película *_* Tiene una pinta fantástica.
Ya la estoy buscando!! Que pintaza ^_^
Si no se la ha encontrado le recomiendo ver "One Day" (2011), que recién vi esta semana.
La cosa va de relacions haha. Jo acabo de fer un post sobre Like Crazy, que m'ha encantat, no se si l'has vist. Aquesta que dius tu jo no, però em poso a descarregar-la ara mateix. La Keira Knightley m'encanta però no he vist suficients pelis d'ella. Et dic algo quan la vegi, a veure que em sembla (he intentat no mirar gaire les fotos pels spoilers).
Petonets x
Thank you, I really needed to hear that today. Following you now <3
/ Avy
You blow my mind with this post again and again....
I reply you in my head... unbeatable..xx Emilie
aquesta peli m'encanta però i agree amb lo que dius de l'atra parella, a ningú realment li importa! ejeje la veritat es que la química de la keira i el guillaume es impressionant en aquesta peli, i com no enamorar-se del guillaume... crec que el vaig començar a adorar després d'ella <3 ador les fotos que has posat, com sempre.
he vist el post del quentin tarantino i com ja es tard, el vull llegir bé demà. un petonet dear!
Ya la he visto y es fantástica!! Pase un rato genial viéndola y una vez más coincidimos en opiniones. Los personajes son un maravilla...Grande Joanna!!
La primera vez que la vi no me gustó nada, la segunda me encantó! Joanna y Alex son efímeros y mágicos. Love them!
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